Wado brand Otsu-e works are available at Ichie Wado Seminar House. His original paintings are no longer on sale but some kinds are available in Geeclie print. If you are interested in any products, please ask our inventory by email (info@ichiewado.com) or telephone (077-532-2346).
高橋和堂は三代目高橋松山の次男で、昭和 34 年に独立して自分の店「大津絵作房」を開き、ここでおよそ半世紀の間描いていました。
三井寺参道にある「大津絵の店」は現在五代目の高橋松山氏のお店です。この “「和堂」の大津絵ショップ” は全く別の事業者であり、高橋和堂の商品のみを販売しております。
Wado Takahashi was born as the second son of Shozan Takahashi the third. Wado started his own business in 1959 and opened “Otsu-e Sakubo workshop.” He has worked on his own for half a century.
“Otsue-no-mise” by Shozan Takahashi the fifth down the street from Ichie Wado Seminar House is a totally separate entity. This Wado’s Otsu-e Shop page only deals with Wado brand products.
「和堂」大津絵草体復刻版の色紙掛軸 (*1) 8,800円 (掛軸+色紙一枚、税込)
色紙の絵は下の十種より選択可能Wado’s Otsu-e shikishi hanging scroll*1 in cursive style 8,800Yen (including tax) (10 kinds)
*1デザイン掛軸「比叡」、サイズ:縦 59㎝ ⅹ 横 31㎝。
デザイン掛軸単品の場合は定価3,520円 (税込)
*1This sleek design hanging scroll “Hiei” goes well in a Western style room as well. Size: 59cm x 31cm
The image of Hyotannamadu (Gourd and catfish)
The image of Takajo (Falconer)
Ten representative motifs of Otsu-e are available in the selection.
「鬼の念仏」由来の色紙掛軸 8,800円 (税込)Otsu-e history written by Wado 8,800 Yen (including tax)
“Oni-no-Nembutsu” (Praying Ogre) origin story hanging scroll
大津絵 絵はがきセット 5 枚入り 600 円 (税込)Otsu-e post card set (5 pictures) 600 Yen (including tax)
大津絵 絵はがきセット 5 枚入り
Otsu-e post card set (5 pictures)
上記絵はがきセット+ポスカフレーム (*2) 2,800 円 (税込)Otsu-e post card set + PoscaFrame*2 2,800 Yen (including tax)
*2「ポスカフレーム」は縦横自在でシンプルなマット素材。サイズ:縦 25 cm x 横 25.5 ㎝
「ポスカフレーム」単品の場合は定価 2,200 円 (税込)
*2 The Posca Frame in the picture can hold both vertical and horizontal post cards. Its matte texture frame goes well with not only Otsu-e but also any picture or photo. Why not pull out your favorite postcard from your bookshelf and display it in a Posca Frame? It’s handy and a good buy to display your memories of Otsu! The PoscaFrame is 2,200 Yen, postcards not included.
Otsu-e postcard set + PoscaFrame (Black) -
The PoscaFrame will hold most standard-sized post cards like this. The frame can hold cards in portrait or landscape directions. -
Otsu-e post card in PoscaFrame (Vanilla)
大津絵のしおりセット 5 枚入り 400 円 (税込)Otsu-e bookmark set (5 pictures) 400 Yen (including tax)
Otsu-e bookmark set (5 pictures)
以下の 3 種類を販売しております。Wado’s original pictures “Tanuki Goyomi” or Raccoon dogs seasonal calendar is also
popular among tourists although this is not Otsu-e.
「和童」の「狸ごよみ」うちわ 2 種。各 1,500 円 (税込)Tanuki Goyomi Flat fans 1,500 Yen (including tax)
京うちわ (図柄 1 バージョン)
京うちわ (図柄 2 バージョン)
丸うちわ (図柄 1 バージョン)
絵はがき春夏編/秋冬編 各 600 円 (税込)Tanuki Goyomi post cards set 600 Yen (including tax)
春夏編、秋冬編の二種。それぞれ 6 枚入り。
Spring/Summer edition and Autumn/Winder edition
「和童」の「狸ごよみ」しおり 400 円 (税込)Tanuki Goyomi Bookmark set 400Yen (including tax)
ご購入についてAbout purchase
If you are interested in any products, please ask our inventory by email or telephone. You’ll be notified of the shipping and handling fees after making a selection.
営業時間:午前 10 時~午後 6 時、
不定休/Office hours: 10 am- 6 pm
(Any changes will be posted)