




一会和堂Ichie Wado Seminar House in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture

 大津絵鬼土鈴などの絵付け体験ワークショップ、国内外の旅行者向けのツアー、三井寺や大津百町の歴史ウォーキングツアーに加え、月二回、立礼の茶道教室や不定期のセミナーなども実施しています。それぞれのコンテンツはリンクをご覧ください。英語プログラムの詳細は「Tours & Workshops」をご覧ください。

Ichie Wado Seminar House was previously the Otsu-e folk art studio and store run by Otsu-e artist, Wado Takahashi, the late farther of the current director, Misato Takahashi. Now, it is a cozy tourist and culture learning spot. Tour Design Ichie Wado as a local travel agent specializes in local tours and experience programs in and around Lake Biwa and nearby cities.
 Ichie Wado’s programs include a variety of activities such as the Otsu-e Lucky Oni Bell painting workshop, a historic Otsu City walking tour, a Miidera Temple visit and a bi-weekly table-style tea ceremony classes, etc. We invite you to join us in experiencing the unique culture and traditions of our beautiful region.


一会和堂セミナーハウス代表。大津絵師、高橋和堂の長女として大津に生まれ、純日本的な環境で育つ。子供の頃から英語が好きで欧米に憧れ、米国のカリフォルニア州に数年、東京に 20 年居住。旅行会社、広報企画会社、IT企業等に勤務。さまざまな国に旅行もしたが、自分が魅かれるのは常に簡素で洗練された日本のものや、日本人のメンタリティだと再認識している。全国通訳案内士、IT 翻訳者(翻訳修士課程修了:Monterey Institute of International Studies)、国内旅行業務取扱管理者。


Director at Ichie Wado Seminar House, born in Otsu as Wado’s first daughter and raised in a very traditional Japanese environment. Longing for Western culture, Misato has lived in CA in the US for some years and in Tokyo over 20 years. She eventually realized what always fascinated her were the simple and sophisticated Japanese things and mentality. With inbound tourists’ point of view, she is trying to develop unique and interesting experience programs so that they have a quality and memorable time. National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter and IT translator. M.A in translation from Monterey Institute of International Studies in CA, US. Certified Domestic Travel Service Supervisor.

  • 一会和堂セミナーハウスは長等神社楼門前

    Ichiewado Seminar House located just across from the Nagara Jinja Shrine

  • 長等神社

    Vermillion gate of the Nagara Jinja Shrine

  • 一期一会を大切にする場

    “Ichiewado” means a place to value a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. The title logo is by Japanese calligrapher, Shuren.

  • セミナーハウス内部(1)

    Interior of the seminar house(1)

  • セミナーハウス内部(2)

    Interior of the seminar house(2)

  • セミナーハウス内部(3)

    Interior of the seminar house(3)


JR で京都から10分に位置する大津市は滋賀県の玄関口であり、滋賀は日本最大の湖である琵琶湖を擁する湖国として知られています。1350年を上回る歴史をもつ大津は、京都と東京を結ぶ東海道五十三次の最大の宿場町でした。今日でも大津百町エリアには往時の名残があちらこちらにあり、町家と言われる商家も現存しています。大津市は世界遺産の比叡山延暦寺、日本四箇大寺である三井寺のお膝元として、また大津絵の発祥の地としても知られています。

About Otsu City

Located just a 10-minute ride from Kyoto by local JR train, Otsu is the gateway to Shiga Prefecture, known as the “lake province” embracing the largest lake in Japan, Lake Biwa. With over 1350 years of history, Otsu was once the largest post station town among the 53 stations of the Tokaido Historic Trail between Kyoto and Tokyo. Today, the Otsu Hyakucho area still retains some of the post town’s atmosphere and historic merchant residences called machiya. The city is also home to World Heritage site, Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei, and one of the Four most prestigious temples, Miidera Temple, as well as the traditional folk art of Otsu-e.





Otsu is Good for a Vacation or even a Workation

Blessed with Lake Biwa, there are many things to see and do in this area. But because of its easy access from Kyoto and Osaka, many visitors make one-day trips to Otsu and return to the Keihanshin area without enjoying the history and nature of the Mother Lake country, Shiga. Instead of sightseeing in the crowded city, why not spend a couple of nights in the Otsu area? Take a leisurely stroll along the shores of Lake Biwa, enjoy an open-air drive that is not possible in neighboring prefectures, or stroll the precincts of Miidera Temple or Enryakuji Temple while being soothed by incense. The charm of Otsu is that we can propose such trips within Shiga.
 There are numerous historical sites, scenic spots, and leisure spots around Lake Biwa. There is much of an element of a relaxing resort. Now that Covid-19 has made “workation” not unusual working style, Otsu, a town with a little bit of countryside and a little bit of city, is a place where travelers can stay as if they were living in the town.
